FallCon 2022 COVID-19 Protocols:
- In-person attendance at FallCon 2022 is limited to individuals who are fully vaccinated for COVID-19. (Boosters are not required but are strongly recommended, per the CDC.) Everyone attending may upload their vaccination documentation upon registration, or when contacted via email prior to the show.
- Although MPIBA is requiring vaccinations for attendees, others at the hotel may not be vaccinated including hotel employees; hotels cannot require their employees to be vaccinated.
- Attendees are requested to test within 24 hours before they depart home for the event so they can stay home if they test positive.
- Masks will not be required at any time, though you are welcome to wear a mask. MPIBA will provide complimentary masks, but attendees are encouraged to bring their own.
- Frequent hand washing and/or sanitizing is strongly recommended. MPIBA will have hand sanitizer available at the event, while supplies last. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own.
- Attendees are strongly encouraged to bring at-home COVID tests to test themselves as needed during the event.
- If an attendee tests positive during the event, or learns of a close contact with someone who has tested positive, MPIBA asks that they engage in CDC recommended protocols.
- Attendees can choose a badge sticker to indicate your level of comfort with social interactions:
- Red sticker — no hugs or handshakes, please give me space
- Yellow sticker — elbow bumps and a just little space please
- Green sticker — bring it in, hugs and handshakes welcome
- Please click here to see the current Renaissance Park Central Hotel COVID response
- As part of our efforts to support all members and keep our communities safe, FallCon will comply with any state and locally mandated COVID protocols in force at the time of the show. Information will be provided if mandates are put in place.
The risk of contracting COVID is always a possibility. The experience at similar large events recently indicates that it is likely that someone at every large event has COVID. With this in mind, attendees will not be required to notify MPIBA if they test positive once the event has begun, nor will MPIBA be notifying everyone in attendance if anyone tests positive. Attendees should take precautions, as outlined above, and if they have greater concerns we understand that they may choose to not attend.